Large eddy simulations of jets in crossflow: large scale turbulence effects

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Conference Proceeding

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Large eddy simulations of jets in crossflow are performed to study the effect of energy containing scales present in the freestream on the penetration and spread of the coolant jet. Two specific freestream turbulence conditions are examined, one corresponding to 15% small scale Gaussian turbulence, and the other corresponding to a 15% freestream turbulence that satisfies the Von-Karman spectrum and has its peak energy specified in the small wave number range (large scales). The small-scale freestream turbulence can be viewed to be similar to grid generated turbulence. The large scale freestream turbulence spectrum has energy peak at a small wave number (corresponding to a specified length scale taken to be 4 hole diameters in this study) and has energy in the inertial subrange for large wave numbers. In the present study, the jets are issued through a row of square holes into the main crossflow. The jet to crossflow blowing ratio is 0.5 and the jet Reynolds number is approximately 4,700. Greater jet penetration and jet-mainstream mixing, in both the vertical and lateral directions, are observed for large-scale turbulence. The energy contained in large scales is mostly preserved although the energy carrying scales themselves undergo subsequent breakdown process due to the effect of the jet. In the nearfield of the jet, the large scales play a major role in enhancing the turbulent stresses, and the near wall transport. In the presence of the large scales, the horseshoe vortex is energized, and there is greater crossflow entrainment into the wake region. These large scale effects lead to significantly greater wall friction.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD

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