Reynolds stress transport model predictions and large eddy simulations for film coolant jet in crossflow

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Conference Proceeding

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Predictions of a film coolant jet in a crossflow for turbine blade cooling applications have traditionally employed κ-ε and κ-ω closure models of turbulence. An evaluation of several such models (Hoda and Acharya, 1999) revealed that the existing two equation models fail to resolve the highly complex flow field in the vicinity of the jet created by the jet-crossflow interaction. The eddy viscosity approximation used to obtain closure for the Reynolds stress terms in the time-averaged Navier Stokes equation is unable to represent the anisotropy of the flow and does not model the wake region created behind the jet adequately. A more accurate prediction of the stress field can be obtained by the Reynolds stress transport (RST) equations, which represent a higher level of closure for the turbulent stresses. In this paper, two formulations of the RST model have been employed to predict the flow behind a row of jets discharging normally into a crossflow. The flow field predictions and turbulent statistics are compared with the experimental data of Ajersch et al. (1995) and with κ-ε predictions using the model of Lam and Bremhorst (1981). Predictions using Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are also presented to show the predictive capability of LES.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo

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