A domain decomposition method for modelling Stokes flow in porous materials
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An algorithm is presented for solving the Stokes equation in large disordered two-dimensional porous domains. In this work, it is applied to random packings of discs, but the geometry can be essentially arbitrary. The approach includes the subdivision of the domain and a subsequent application of boundary integral equations to the subdomains. This gives a block diagonal matrix with sparse off-block components that arise from shared variables on internal subdomain boundaries. The global problem is solved using a biconjugate gradient routine with preconditioning. Results show that the effectiveness of the preconditioner is strongly affected by the subdomain structure, from which a methodology is proposed for the domain decomposition step. A minimum is observed in the solution time versus subdomain size, which is governed by the time required for preconditioning, the time for vector multiplications in the biconjugate gradient routine, the iterative convergence rate and issues related to memory allocation. The method is demonstrated on various domains including a random 1000-particle domain. The solution can be used for efficient recovery of point velocities, which is discussed in the context of stochastic modelling of solute transport. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
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Recommended Citation
Liu, G., & Thompson, K. (2002). A domain decomposition method for modelling Stokes flow in porous materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 38 (11), 1009-1025. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.249