Is wettability alteration the main cause for enhanced recovery in lowsalinity waterflooding?

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Low salinity waterflooding is gaining some attention in the recent literature as a means of improving oil recoveries. However, a clear understanding of the key mechanism(s) of low-salinity waterflooding does not seem to have emerged although wettability alteration is repeatedly cited as the cause for the observed effects, albeit without much experimental evidence. Moreover, much of the reported low-salinity work appears to be related to sandstone reservoirs. In this study, we have attempted to investigate the role wettability alteration plays in low-salinity waterflooding by conducting dual-drop-dual-crystal contact angle measurements to characterize wettability changes and coreflood experiments for oil recovery and oil/water relative permeability measurements using a dolomite reservoir rock-fluids system. Additional experiments have been conducted to examine the roles of brine chemistry and the temperature in altering wettability in lowsalinity waterfloods. The contact angle results clearly indicate the wettability alteration from an oil-wet state (with a water-advancing contact angle of 158°) to an intermediate state (with an advancing contact angle of 113°) caused by diluting the reservoir brine to one-fiftieth of its original strength. A similar result was obtained when the sulfate concentration in the reservoir brine was doubled and when the temperature was increased to 250°F from the reservoir temperature of 80°F. These wettability alterations as measured by contact angles were confirmed by coreflood experiments that yielded significantly higher recoveries (from about 46% to about 76%) due to low-salinity flooding, alteration of brine composition and temperature. This experimental study confirms the major influence of wettability in low-salinity waterflooding of a dolomite reservoir. Copyright 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery

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