Unconventional multi-fractured analytical solution using dual porosity model

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Five-region linear flow system proved to be a useful model to reproduce the flow behavior for multi-fractured horizontal wells in shale reservoirs. In earlier developments, the model was assumed single-porosity throughout all five regions. However, assumption of single porosity system for stimulated region may promote errors in pressure transient analysis. So by adopting the existing mathematical models for naturally fractured reservoirs (dual-porosity system), one can apply the dual-porosity nature of flow in the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). In this study the analytical solution for single-porosity model is reproduced and compared with numerical solution. Then the five-region model of previous studies is modified by implementing the dual porosity behavior in Laplace domain and compared to single-porosity solution using the same reservoir properties. Furthermore, a series of type-curves is constructed in this study using dimensionless properties, such as matrix-fracture capacity ratio and storativity ratio, hydraulic fracture conductivity, and hydraulic fracture half-length. Theses curves could provide valuable information to characterize the multi-fractured complex systems.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

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