


Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering

Document Type

Major Paper


We consider new methods for combating electronic counter measures (ECM) used by the enemy to jam Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signals. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) coded radar signal was proposed as an effective technique against deception jamming. OFDM radar signal achieves anti-jamming capabilities through pulse diversity. Two methods the jammer uses to reproduce the radar signals are considered. The first method is instantaneous frequency (IF). In this case, the jammer aims to recreate a copy of the target by estimating the instantaneous frequency of the radar signal and sending back the radar signal with certain time delay. The second method is Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). In this case, the jammer digitizes the received radar signal, stores it, replicates it and transmits it at a predetermined time instant. Three signal models were considered in the SAR simulation with a contiguous jammer signal. These include OFDM, Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) and Frequency Hopped (FH) signal. Backprojection algorithm is used to reconstruct the image of the reflected signal. Based on the simulated imagery, the electronic counter counter measure (ECCM) capability of OFDM, LFM and FH is compared. Radar ambiguity function, OFDM signal peak cross correlation value and the simulated SAR images in the presence of deception jammer are presented. The result shows that while LFM and FH are ineffective against IF and LFM jammer, OFDM-based radar is free of ghost images. 



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Committee Chair

Naraghi-Pour, Morteza

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