


Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Document Type

Major Paper


Students who begin music studies with a thorough foundation in musicianship will be better equipped to tackle the challenges of performing at a high level. When actively applying new techniques, however basic, to the goal of musical and artistic expression, the focus will shift from increasing physical technique and skill development to growing as a musician. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of musicianship in a setting that seldom receives attention in the musicianship literature: beginning string instrument instruction. This monograph examines string method books, a major deliverer of instruction within the early years of string instrument training, based on their incorporation of musicianship. To document the functional use of musicianship within a sample of beginning string method books, this monograph contains three primary elements: a literature review, a content analysis, and a synthesis of analyses. The content analysis examines the prevalence and use of features of musicianship within five specific methods books published since 2001. Each method is examined primarily for its use of musical variety and for the inclusion of non-technical elements, i.e., non-playing or non-reading activities. The purpose of this monograph is twofold. First, it will help string teachers choose the best method to give students a genuine musical experience, either by drawing from the methods discussed here or by using the criteria outlined to evaluate other methods. Second, it will highlight the shortcomings of specific method books so that teachers may use these books more effectively, adding supplemental materials and experiences when necessary.



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Committee Chair

Goldstein, Elias

Included in

Music Commons