


Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)



Document Type

Major Paper


In this project the cornet parts in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan are examined. First the cornet parts of Gilbert and Sullivan are compared to another composer of operetta, Jacques Offenbach, as well as a composer of opera, Giacomo Puccini. Next, the most important passages for cornet from the works of Gilbert and Sullivan are selected. They are grouped into three main categories: fanfare passages, section passages, and soloistic passages. Following each example are comments regarding context (what is taking place on stage and text) as well as performance suggestions (details concerning balance, phrasing, and orchestration). Appendix A contains plot synopses of the different operettas as well as historical information. There is also an index of the excerpts, divided into the three categories, arranged by operetta. Appendix B contains a hierarchical ranking of the top ten excerpts of each category. This document serves as an aid in the learning of the cornet parts in the Gilbert and Sullivan repertoire.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

James West

Included in

Music Commons