Date of Award
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Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
The D values of Vibrio cholerae in oyster and shrimp meat homogenate were determined at 49(DEGREES), 54(DEGREES), 60(DEGREES), 66(DEGREES), 71(DEGREES), 77(DEGREES), and 82(DEGREES)C. In oyster homogenates, the D values in minutes were 4.7 at 49(DEGREES)C, < 0.35 at 54(DEGREES)C, < 0.35 at 60(DEGREES)C, < 0.33 at 66(DEGREES)C, < 0.30 at 71(DEGREES)C, < 0.29 at 77(DEGREES)C, and < 0.24 at 82(DEGREES)C. In shrimp homogenates, the D values in minutes were 9.17 at 49(DEGREES)C, < 0.43 at 54(DEGREES)C, < 0.39 at 60(DEGREES)C, < 0.32 at 66(DEGREES)C, < 0.31 at 71(DEGREES)C, < 0.30 at 77(DEGREES), and < 0.28 at 82(DEGREES)C. Whole oysters, inoculated with 10('6) V. cholerae/gram, were cooked in boiling water (100(DEGREES)C) or in hot oil (191(DEGREES)C) for one minute. Whole shrimp, inoculated with 10('6) V. cholerae were cooked in boiling water (100(DEGREES)C) or in steam (100(DEGREES)C) for 10 minutes. Vibrio cholerae was not isolated from the cooked oysters or shrimp. Sterile and unsterile shrimp, oyster, crab, and crayfish meat homogenates were inoculated with 10('7) V. cholerae/g. The homogenates were treated with 0, 25, 50, or 100 krad and stored at 4(DEGREES), 0(DEGREES), or -8(DEGREES)C for 21 days. No V. cholerae were isolated from any of the homogenates treated with 100 krad. Vibrio cholerae was able to survive longer in the sterile oyster, crab and crayfish homogenates stored at 4(DEGREES) and 0(DEGREES)C than in the unsterile homogenates stored at the same temperatures. The organism was able to survive longer in the unsterile shrimp homogenates stored at 4(DEGREES) and 0(DEGREES)C than in the sterile homogenates stored at the same temperature. At -8(DEGREES)C, survival time was usually longer in the unsterile seafood homogenates than in the sterile seafood homogenates stored at -8(DEGREES)C. Due to the retardation of competitive inhibition the organism was usually able to survive longer in the unsterile homogenates stored at -8(DEGREES)C than in the unsterile homogenates stored at 4(DEGREES) or 0(DEGREES)C.
Recommended Citation
Hinton, Arthur Jr, "Survival of Vibrio Cholerae, Biotype E1 Tor, Serotype Inaba in Seafoods." (1983). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3887.