Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Human Sciences and Education
Document Type
A Southern Louisiana charter school is in the initial phases of a Response To Intervention (RTI). General education classroom teachers are responsible for all Tier 1 and 2 instruction that included interventions in Tier 2. However, many teachers were unsure about the implementation, of RTI and had negative experiences with RTI, describing the process as frustrating and overwhelming. This case study examines teachers that have been effective in the process as evidenced by an increase in in reading levels and student interest. The research explores the teachers’ perceptions, experience, and knowledge of the current implementation of RTI. This qualitative research project study uses Social Constructivism and Reflective Practice as theoretical frameworks. The research questions center on the perceptions, knowledge, and experiences of Tier 2 RTI. The study of effective teachers provides efficacy in meeting the needs of students. The purpose of the study is to identify practices, experiences, knowledge and perceptions of effective teachers of Tier II intervention. Data collected from individual interviews, and observations are analyzed using open coding. Themes and concepts emerged from the interview and observational data. These findings potentially lead to the development of information to provide educators with more knowledge about Tier 2 implementation and data-driven decisions in the RTI process. Because it may strengthen the implementation and effectiveness of Tier 2 level interventions in the general education classroom, the project has the potential to decrease the number of students referred for special education evaluation and placement. Strengthening RTI increases the number of students that achieved their literacy goals and confidence in reading.
Recommended Citation
Whitfield, Earlisha Jenkins, "Teachers as Change Agents: An Investigation into the Literary Practices of Effective Tier 2 Charter School Teachers in South Louisiana" (2019). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 4984.
Committee Chair
Sulentic-Dowell, Margaret Mary