Applying Generative Adversarial Network to Combine Occupant Responses to Design Contexts in Immersive Virtual Reality with Existing Building Performance Models

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Building performance models (BPMs) are often used to estimate, analyze, and understand the performance of future or non-existing buildings during designs. However, performance gaps between prediction from BPMs and actual building still exist. Obviously, occupant behaviors are one of the major factors which cause the performance gaps because of several reasons, including (1) they are dynamic, (2) they are driven by many contextual factors, and (3) they are difficult to be captured by traditional experiments. This paper discusses a framework of applying generative adversarial networks (GANs) as an alternative approach to combine existing BPMs with occupant responses to design specific and context sensitive factors obtained from immersive virtual environment (IVE) toward designed buildings (target buildings) in order to reduce performance gaps between prediction during designs and actual buildings.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

ICCREM 2019: Innovative Construction Project Management and Construction Industrialization - Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2019

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