Quality of Time-Dependent Data Segments of Experiments on Thermal Sensation Using Immersive Virtual Environments

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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The aim of this study is to study the effect of various time dependent data segments on an occupant's environmental sensation and physiological responses in both real environment (in situ) and immersive virtual environment. The study included a series of human subject experiments with 27 participants in a climate chamber. The indoor temperature was varied between 65°F, 75°F, and 85°F. Heart rate, galvanic skin response, skin temperatures of the eight selected body areas were measured in combination with a thermal sensation and comfort survey. The data was divided into four segments based on time, i.e., full data, data of 5 minutes before a temperature change, data of 7 minutes before a temperature change, and data of 10 minutes before a temperature change. Independent sample T-tests were performed between the four segments at each step temperature. Results of this study revealed that once the chamber indoor temperature is stabilized, the quality of measured physiological data are not subject to the time period that the data are extracted for analysis.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

ICCREM 2020: Intelligent Construction and Sustainable Buildings - Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2020

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