An Intelligent Decision-Making Model for the Design of Precast Slab Joints Based on Case-Based Reasoning

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Precast components are a critical part of the life cycle of prefabricated construction. Component joints and connections are essential to structural stability, posing rework problems. The design of precast component joints requires tacit and explicit knowledge. Existing joint design approaches and construction requirements underuse tacit knowledge. This paper proposes a case-based reasoning (CBR) model to support the design of component joints based on this tacit knowledge. A case library of 299 valid precast slabs was used to develop the model. The test cases in the model were used to verify the methodology. Records for 64 test cases with the same building information and 64 test cases from different buildings were used to validate the usability and effectiveness of the model. The results show that the accuracy rates are 100% and 94% when considering the comprehensive performance, and the model is more effective for different buildings than for the same building. The proposed model can improve the efficiency of joint design without expert participation and improve the standardization and coordination of design and construction.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

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