Innovative System Design for Road Pavement Crack and Joint Maintenance

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Traditional procedures for preparing roadway cracks and joints for sealing/filling are either largely ineffective, labor intensive, or dangerous. This paper introduces an innovative versatile pavement crack cleaning device (CCD) to improve the current traditional crack/joint preparation practices including air blasting, routing, and heat lancing. A conceptual prototype of a crack cleaning device was designed by utilizing pneumatic power for air blasting and abrasive wire brushing to remove simultaneously de-icing chemicals and other debris. For the validation of the CCD in the field and industry acceptance of the CCD technology, several industry demonstrations and field tests were conducted. Productivity data along with the crews' feedback were collected during the field tests. The productivity and cost data of traditional methods were compared to the ones of the CCD. The analyzed results showed that the CCD design concepts have been well received by all participating industry who expects the CCD would positively impact the highway road maintenance by improving productivity, safety, and maintenance cost.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Geotechnical Special Publication

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