Restoration of interdependent critical infrastructure network: A model for joint optimization of scheduling and routing

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Critical infrastructure is the guarantee for the normal operation of economic and social life. Once it is destroyed, it is urgent to restore it in time and minimize the impact of the damage. The paper takes the critical infrastructure interdependent network as the research object, and discusses the joint optimization model and algorithm design of the optimal restoration scheme after the network was destroyed. It first proposes a topology model based on infrastructure and travel networks, and considers the infrastructure impact scale with restored time as the evaluation mechanism. Then, the planning model to minimize network performance loss are constructed. Besides, ant colony algorithm is proposed to solve the optimal restoration scheme. Finally, taking illustrative and practical examples as the experimentations, the feasibility of the model and algorithm is verified. The contributions of this paper are mainly to propose a joint optimization model for the optimal restoration scheme of the infrastructure network, and meanwhile, analyze the related factors including restoration routes, restored time, and impact scale.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Construction Research Congress 2020: Infrastructure Systems and Sustainability - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2020

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