Resource allocation heuristic in construction simulation
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The quantity of some resources is limited because of project cost constrains. These resources may be required by multiple activities simultaneously during a construction process. In a discrete simulation that models the construction process, tracing and controlling such entities, e.g. resources, is crucial to simulation. This paper presents a resource allocation point (RAP) heuristic that takes into account the dynamic and stochastic characteristics of simulation to enable the activity-based construction simulation system to process a decision-making ability, i.e. allocating the limited resources to the multiple computing activities during simulation. In addition, this paper introduces an activity object-orientated approach that implements the RAP heuristic and speeds up the simulation experimentation through initiating and checking only related activity objects instead of scanning all activities as in a pure activity scanning (AS) simulation strategy.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Construction Management and Economics
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Recommended Citation
Hong, Z., Tam, C., & Shi, J. (2001). Resource allocation heuristic in construction simulation. Construction Management and Economics, 19 (6), 643-651.