The BIM's 4D dimension: Real time energy monitoring
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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With the current trend towards Building Information Model (BIM), facility managers have a new tool for raising efficiency. This paper discusses the integration of the BIM software with a real-time monitoring (RTM) system, as a 4D dimension in BIM, to track the electrical usage at every location in a building. This ability could be invaluable in identifying what unnecessary loads are connected to a device and could be disconnected. This would result in elimination of needless loads and phantom loads during non-business hours, causing significant reduction in energy consumption. A prototype of the RTM was built and the results are in support of reduction in energy consumption. Real-time awareness is a major factor in facility management and essential to meet the strict guidelines presently being adopted. © 2011 IEEE.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCC 2011
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Recommended Citation
Alahmad, M., Nader, W., Brumbaugh, A., Cho, Y., Ci, S., Sharif, H., Shi, J., & Neal, J. (2011). The BIM's 4D dimension: Real time energy monitoring. 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCC 2011, 589-592.