Multiple-stakeholders’ game and decision-making behaviors in green management of megaprojects
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The construction of megaprojects has a significant impact on regional environments, and green management is an effective way to reduce that impact. Previous studies have ignored the complex game relationships among multiple stakeholders in the construction stage of megaprojects, even though those relationships hinder the effective implementation of green management. Therefore, this study constructed a tripartite game model involving the governments, the public, and the construction enterprises, and used simulation to analyze the preconditions of maximizing green benefits, decision-making behavior, and key influencing factors. The results show that the initial probability of each player participating in green management significantly affected the decision-making of each player. The reduction of environmental protection costs, and the improvement in public recognition, the psychological benefits, the degree of environmental concern, the governments’ supervisory ability, and fines could each promote the implementation of green management. However, rewards and subsidies had little impact. This study can serve as a reference for developing a green management mechanism for megaprojects.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Recommended Citation
Gao, X., Zeng, S., Zeng, R., Shi, J., & Song, R. (2022). Multiple-stakeholders’ game and decision-making behaviors in green management of megaprojects. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 171