Maximize the energy performance of the ductless heat pump in residential buildings with existing AC equipment

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Studies have shown that a ductless heat pump (DHP) system can save energy when used throughout a home. However, it is unknown how the DHP system performs when it is working in conjunction with pre-existing HVAC equipment like zonal electric baseboards and window AC units, which can be a common scenario with a residential building retrofit. Therefore, this study aims to quantify the energy savings potential of DHP systems when they are installed in existing residential buildings with pre-existing HVAC equipment. In this study, a residential building energy model was first created to represent a single-floor home. Then, this model was used for a parametric analysis for evaluating different operational scenarios. These scenarios are assumed to represent various occupant preferences during the operation of the home with the aim of investigating how these preferences affect the energy performance of the DHP as well as the occupants' comfort. The results suggest that using a DHP system for retrofit with preexisting zonal heating and cooling equipment can reduce energy demand while maintaining thermal comfort.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Building Simulation Conference Proceedings

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