Web-based data federation, archiving, and curating of construction activity and operation sounds
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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As the architecture and construction industries have increasing project requirements and complex processes, a consistent data storing, federating, and sharing method has become critical. However, the establishment of a robust platform for sharing design and construction data has been overlooked. To improve the current practice, this research study adopts a new data archive technology to federate and share the sound data of construction work activities and equipment operations. As the technology of sound recognition and identification has increasingly developed, the construction industry has recognized the significant implications of a sound data analysis of construction work activities and equipment operations. To establish a sustainable research foundation regarding a construction sound analysis and adopt a state-of-the-art sound analytics technology to the construction industry, this paper involves the investigation of a method to federate the distributed web data of construction activity sounds in a data archive and categorize them according to types of sounds and events. As an archive, the DSpace is used to collect the cleaned construction sound data from web and share them with the public. Establishing a sustainable and durable data archive containing sound data is expected to provide valuable and sustainable data assets for researchers and industry professionals to conduct construction sound-related research such as audio-based construction field monitoring.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Construction Research Congress 2018: Construction Information Technology - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2018
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Zhang, T., Lee, Y., & Yang, S. (2018). Web-based data federation, archiving, and curating of construction activity and operation sounds. Construction Research Congress 2018: Construction Information Technology - Selected Papers from the Construction Research Congress 2018, 2018-April, 253-261. https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784481264.025