CoVal-SGAN: A Complex-Valued Spectral GAN architecture for the effective audio data augmentation in construction sites

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Generative audio data augmentation in a construction site is one of challenging research areas due to the high dissimilarity between work sounds of involved machines and equipment. However, it becomes necessary since the availability of audio data of critical work classes is often rare. Motivated by these considerations and demands, in this paper, we propose a complex-valued GAN architecture working with the audio spectrogram, named CoVal-SGAN, for an effective augmentation of audio data. Specifically, the proposed CoVal-SGAN exploits both the magnitude and phase information to improve the quality of the artificially generated audio signals and increase the overall performance of the underlying classifier. Numerical results, performed on the data recorded in real-world construction sites, along with the comparisons with available state-of-the-art approaches, show the effectiveness of the proposed idea by obtaining an improved accuracy.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks

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