Rate equations for viscoplastic materials subjected to finite strains
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The constitutive equations for plasticity proposed by Voyiadjis [1984] and Voyiadjis & Kiousis [1987] are modified here in order to introduce rate sensitivity in the plastic region. Some of the basic concepts of the theory of viscoplasticity outlined by Naghdi & Murch [1963], Perzyna & Wojno [1966], and Eisenberg & Yen [1981] are used in this work in order to obtain the proposed viscoplastic constitutive model for finite strain deformation analysis. Uniaxial loading-reverse loading tests are conducted so as to check the validity of the proposed constitutive model as well as to determine its material parameters. The model is effectively used in simulating numerically the obtained experimental results at finite strains. © 1988.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal of Plasticity
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Recommended Citation
Voyiadjis, G., & Mohammad, L. (1988). Rate equations for viscoplastic materials subjected to finite strains. International Journal of Plasticity, 4 (3), 215-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/0749-6419(88)90011-3