Evaluation of Permeability of Superpave® Asphalt Mixtures
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
The presence of water in a pavement system is detrimental to its life. Permeable asphalt concrete pavement structures are vulnerable to stripping, which causes premature damage under heavy traffic. To assess the permeability of asphalt mixtures, a research study was conducted at the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC). Laboratory permeability tests were performed on field cores taken from 17 Superpave® projects in Louisiana. An LTRC-modified version of Karol-Warner's falling-head permeameter was used to conduct the permeability test. A sensitivity analysis was performed to relate the permeability test results to mixture volumetric properties such as air void content, compaction effort, mixture gradation, and lift thickness. A statistical regression model was developed to predict the permeability of Superpave mixtures from the mixture volumetric properties. The model successfully predicted the coefficient of permeability of asphalt mixtures from a separate data set that was not included in the model development.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Transportation Research Record
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Mohammad, L., Herath, A., & Huang, B. (2003). Evaluation of Permeability of Superpave® Asphalt Mixtures. Transportation Research Record (1832), 50-58. https://doi.org/10.3141/1832-07