Sensitivity of mixture performance properties to changes in asphalt mixture type: Case study

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Conference Proceeding

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This paper presents a sensitivity study on mechanistic responses of asphalt mixtures measured from two Superpave Shear Tester (SST) tests: the frequency sweep at constant height (FSCH) and repeated shear at constant height (RSCH) tests. Three special case studies were included in the analysis. A new critical complex shear modulus, G*crit, derived from the FSCH test data, was introduced in this paper. Results indicated that using a single complex shear modulus value at one test frequency from the FSCH test could provide inconsistent ranking for mixtures with different temperature sensitivity. However, the calculated G*crit stiffness values were found fairly sensitive to different mixture types and binder types considered. The critical complex shear modulus, G*crit, is suggested to be used in rutting performance analysis.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Geotechnical Special Publication

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