The use of dynamic cone penetrometer to predict resilient modulus of subgrade soils
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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The resilient modulus is used in the characterization of base and subgrade soils and in the design of pavement structures. The resilient modulus of subgrade soils can be estimated by using expensive and time-consuming laboratory test results or from overestimated backcalculated values from nondestructive test results. These limitations imply that the need of a simple and inexpensive insitu geotechnical test method to estimate the resilient modulus of subgrade soils. The dynamic cone penetration test is considered as a simple, rapid, and economical insitu test in geotechnical applications. However, the application of the dynamic cone penetration test in evaluating the resilient modulus of pavement subgrade soils is not well known. The objective of this paper is to develop correlations to predict the resilient modulus of subgrade cohesive soils from the dynamic cone penetration test parameters, soil type, moisture content, and dry unit weight. Twelve laboratory-compacted large soil samples of two cohesive soil types and six test locations in two existing pavements were used to perform the dynamic cone penetration tests. Laboratory resilient modulus and soil property tests were also performed. The preliminary estimation models were developed for the prediction of the resilient modulus of subgrade soils from the dynamic cone penetration test parameters, moisture content, dry unit weight, and other soil properties. The models predicted separate data sets that were not used in their development, indicating the success of the application of the dynamic cone penetration test in evaluating the resilient modulus of pavement subgrade soils.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Geotechnical Special Publication
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Recommended Citation
Herath, A., Mohammad, L., Gaspard, K., Gudishala, R., & Abu-Farsakh, M. (2005). The use of dynamic cone penetrometer to predict resilient modulus of subgrade soils. Geotechnical Special Publication (130-142), 17-32. Retrieved from