Evaluation of geogrid benefits using monotonic and repeated load triaxial tests

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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A series of monotonic and repeated load resilient modulus triaxial tests were conducted on unreinforced and geogrid reinforced crushed limestone samples to evaluate the effects of the stiffness, location, and number of geogrid layer/s on the strength properties and stress strain response parameters of those samples. Five different types of geogrids were used, and for each geogrid type, four different cases were investigated. For each monotonic triaxial test, three response parameters were selected to assess the benefits of geogrid improvement namely, Es1%, Es2%, and USS. Statistical analyses were conducted on the results using ANOVA and post ANOVA LSM. The results of these analyses indicated that generally geogrid with higher stiffness moduli exhibited greater improvement. In addition, double layers had always the maximum improvement, while the minimum benefit was observed for single geogrid layer placed at the sample mid-height. The cyclic triaxial test results were used to determine resilient moduli for the different samples. These results showed that the geogrid reinforcement did not enhance the resilient properties of the reinforced samples. Copyright ASCE 2007.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Geotechnical Special Publication

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