Estimation of Subgrade Soils Resilient Modulus from in-situ Devices Test Results

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Field and laboratory testing programs were conducted to develop resilient modulus prediction models for application in the design and evaluation procedures of pavement structures. The field testing program included conducting several in-situ tests such as Geogauge, Light Falling Weight Deflectometer, and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). The laboratory program consisted of performing repeated load triaxial resilient modulus tests, physical properties, and compaction tests on soil samples obtained from tested sections. A total of four subgrade soil types at different moisture-dry unit weight levels were considered. Comprehensive statistical analyses were conducted on the field and laboratory test results. Two sets of models were developed. The first set (direct model) directly relates the laboratory measured resilient modulus values with the results of each of the three in-situ devices, whereas the second set (soil property model) incorporates soil properties in addition to the results of each of the three in-situ devices. A good agreement was observed between the predicted and measured values of the resilient modulus. Furthermore, the results showed that the resilient modulus prediction was enhanced when the soil properties were included as variables within the models. Among the models developed, the DCP-soil property model had the best prediction of resilient modulus followed by the DCP-direct model. The effectiveness of the DCP models were further evaluated during a forensic analysis of pavement section failure in a highway within Louisiana. Copyright © 2009 by ASTM International.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Testing and Evaluation

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