Implementation of a critical state two-surface model to evaluate the response of geosynthetic reinforced pavements
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A finite-element model was developed using ABAQUS software package to investigate the effect of placing geosynthetic reinforcement within the base course layer on the response of a flexible pavement structure. A critical state two-surface constitutive model was first modified to represent the behavior of base course materials under the unsaturated field conditions. The modified model was then implemented into ABAQUS through a user defined subroutine, UMAT. The implemented model was validated using the results of laboratory triaxial tests. Finite-element analyses were then conducted on different unreinforced and geosynthetic reinforced flexible pavement sections. The results of this study demonstrated the ability of the modified critical state two-surface constitutive model to predict, with good accuracy, the response of the considered base course material at its optimum field conditions when subjected to cyclic as well as static loads. The results of the finite-element analyses showed that the geosynthetic reinforcement reduced the lateral strains within the base course and subgrade layers. Furthermore, the inclusion of the geosynthetic layer resulted in a significant reduction in the vertical and shear strains at the top of the subgrade layer. The improvement of the geosynthetic layer was found to be more pronounced in the development of the plastic strains rather than the resilient strains. The reinforcement benefits were enhanced as its elastic modulus increased. © 2010 ASCE.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal of Geomechanics
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Recommended Citation
Nazzal, M., Abu-Farsakh, M., & Mohammad, L. (2010). Implementation of a critical state two-surface model to evaluate the response of geosynthetic reinforced pavements. International Journal of Geomechanics, 10 (5), 202-212.