Novel moisture-conditioning method for adhesive failure of hot- and warm-mix asphalt binders
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A novel moisture-conditioning procedure consists mainly of heating an asphalt-coated substrate at 64°C inside an oven in a submerged condition. The proposed conditioning procedure can produce purely adhesive failure in most cases. On the basis of the adhesive failure achieved, a new mechanism on moisture damage has been proposed: under a submerged condition at pavement service temperatures, water develops randomly distributed, micro- and macroscale, cylindrical holes within a reasonable time period that penetrate up to the asphalt-substrate interface. Water then starts to replace the asphalt film from the substrate surface, and adhesive failure, or stripping, is observed. The first process is the dewetting of asphalt film from substrate, and the second process is the spread of moisture on substrate. With this moisture-conditioning procedure, it was observed that original PG 64-22, with 1% LOF 6500 and with 1% LOF 6500, plus Sasobit, exhibited adhesive failure, whereas PG 64-22 plus Sasobit produced a mixed mode of failure. For PG 76-22M, only original samples (without additives) exhibited adhesive failure. The adhesive strengths of the moisture-conditioned samples were determined by a modified pull-off test with the use of a pneumatic adhesion tensile testing instrument. In this study, the free energy of adhesion and cohesion was also determined with the surface free energy (SFE) method. The results of the two methods did not necessarily correlate well, except that both methods (pull-off and SFE) indicated that the combination of 2% Sasobit and 1% LOF 6500 increased the moisture susceptibility.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Transportation Research Record
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Recommended Citation
Wasiuddin, N., Saltibus, N., & Mohammad, L. (2011). Novel moisture-conditioning method for adhesive failure of hot- and warm-mix asphalt binders. Transportation Research Record (2208), 108-117.