Effect of Moisture Content on the Shakedown Limits of Base Course Materials

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This paper summarizes the results of a laboratory testing program that was conducted to determine the effects of moisture content on the shakedown limits of unbound granular base materials. Two different types of granular base materials were investigated in this study, namely limestone and sandstone. Multi-stage repeated load triaxial tests were performed on these materials. The results of the tests were analyzed within the framework of the shakedown theory. The results indicate that the moisture content had an influence on the slope of the elastic and plastic shakedown limits lines. The effect of the moisture content was more pronounced on the slope of the elastic shakedown limit line, however. The moisture content affected the intercept of the elastic and plastic shakedown limits lines more significantly than the slope of these lines. The limestone material exhibited greater decrease in the intercept of the elastic and plastic shakedown limits with increase in moisture content compared with the sandstone material. This was explained by the limestone’s finer gradation.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Transportation Research Record

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