Historical performance of rubblized jointed portland cement concrete pavement overlaid with asphaltic concrete in the state of Louisiana, USA
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Rubblizing existing Portland cement concrete pavement (RPCC) and overlaying with asphaltic concrete (RPCC-AC) has been a popular and effective method of increasing the life span of existing Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Historical performance of RPCC-AC pavements has been well documented in the USA. The purpose of the research was to determine the performance of RPCC-AC pavements in the State of Louisiana, USA. Fifteen projects were available for pavement distress analysis with service life's ranging from newly constructed to 11.23 years. Sixprojects were available for structural performance analysis with servicelife's ranging from newly constructed to 9.12 years of age.Regression models were used to verify the results obtained from other studies, develop a model to predict future responses, as well as authenticate the association between the response variable and one explanatory variable. The results of the analysis indicated that pavement distresses such as transverse, longitudinal, and alligator cracking have been minimal and practically negligible on RPCC-AC roadways in Louisiana, indicating superior performance. Ride quality was predicted to have a IRI value of 95 cm/km at 15 years of service. Structural layer evaluations indicated that the layer moduli for the AC, RPCC, and BC increased as the pavement aged, indicating a superior performing pavement. In place structural number, SNeff(FWD), was measured and predicted to increase by as much as 52 percent over the 15 year period. © Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
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Recommended Citation
Gaspard, K., Icenogle, P., Abadie, C., Zhang, Z., & Elseifi, M. (2013). Historical performance of rubblized jointed portland cement concrete pavement overlaid with asphaltic concrete in the state of Louisiana, USA. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 6 (3), 165-174. https://doi.org/10.6135/ijprt.org.tw/2013.6(3).165