Stress analysis of borehole subjected to fluid injection in transversely isotropic poroelastic medium
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This paper proposes an analytical solution, using the combined Laplace-Fourier integral transform technique, for a borehole drilled in transversely isotropic porous medium and subjected to a fluid discharge over a finite length of its surface. Especially, the coupled boundary condition between the total radial stress and injection-induced pore pressure at the borehole surface is addressed in a rigorous fashion, which leads essentially to a set of dual integral equations that can be solved through standard numerical procedure. The study focuses on the calculation of stress fields around the borehole with particular attention given to the time-dependent effective tangential stress and pore pressure distributions. Numerical solutions are presented for verification with those recently derived for the limiting case of an isotropic medium and, more importantly, to investigate the influences of material anisotropy on the stress responses of the borehole and porous medium.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Mechanics Research Communications
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Recommended Citation
Chen, S., & Abousleiman, Y. (2016). Stress analysis of borehole subjected to fluid injection in transversely isotropic poroelastic medium. Mechanics Research Communications, 73, 63-75.