Effects of scour-hole dimensions and soil stress history on the behavior of laterally loaded piles in soft clay under scour conditions

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Bridge pile foundations in the midst of water current are often subjected to scour, which induces the loss of soil support around the piles and thus results in a significant decrease of foundation capacities or even the failure of bridges. In the current practice, when the scour-affected behavior of the pile foundations is analyzed, either the whole scour-hole geometry or the possible changes in the stress history of the remaining soils is often ignored. In reality, however, scouring creates scour holes with certain dimensions around the pile foundations and the remaining soils that are not scoured away undergo an unloading process at the same time, which will increase the over-consolidation ratios of the remaining soils and accordingly changes of their mechanical properties. This paper examines the behavior of laterally loaded piles in soft clay under scour conditions by using the p-y method. The conventional p-y curves have been modified appropriately to reasonably reflect the effects of three-dimensional scour-hole geometry as well as the stress history of the soils, with the aid of integration of Mindlin's fundamental solutions. A field test is used to serve as a reference case and to investigate the effects of stress history, scour depth, scour width, and scour-hole slope angle on the responses of laterally loaded piles in soft clay. The results indicate that neglecting the stress history effect can be unconservative for scour-affected pile foundations in soft clay, whereas neglect of the scour-hole dimensions and geometry would lead to over-conservative predictions/design of the laterally loaded piles under scour condition.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Computers and Geotechnics

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