Wave-induced dynamic response in a poroelastic seabed

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This paper presents an analytical solution for the wave-induced dynamic response in a poroelastic seabed. The water waves are described by linear wave theory. The seabed was modeled using Biot theory, where the inertia effects and compressibility of solids and fluids are considered. Based on the appropriate boundary conditions, the closed-form solutions of displacements, effective stresses, and excess pore pressure were obtained for a seabed of finite/infinite thickness. The correctness and accuracy of the proposed method were verified by comparisons with the existing analytical solutions and experimental data. Using the solutions obtained, a parametric study was carried out to examine the effects of the properties of water waves and seabed on the dynamic response of seabed. The numerical results indicate that the seabed response is significantly affected by several pertinent parameters of water waves and seabed, including wave period, water depth, pore fluid compressibility, soil permeability, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, seabed thickness, and so on.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

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