An experimental investigation of the wind forces on trees

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The paper illustrates the experimental techniques and the experimental results obtained at the Wall of Wind WoW of Florida International University (FIU), in Miami, concerning some tests on trees under wind loading. The motivation of the scientific work comes from unresolved questions that the designers of high rise buildings in Milano had to deal with in the design of the flower box containing trees up to 6-7 m high. The question was: can the tree fall down the terrace by turning inside the box or by breaking the trunk of the tree? How can be evaluated the forces due to wind? Thanks to the Real Estate Investment promoter, HINES Italia, an experimental program has been organized and implemented at a wind tunnel facility (WoW at FIU) which could allow for testing full scale trees. ©2014 IAHS.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications

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