Frictional Contact Between a Blunt Tool and Quasi-brittle Rock with Damage: Numerical Modeling
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Rock cutting with a blunt cutter includes a cutting process and a frictional contact process. The understanding is still fragmentary for the frictional contact process, with a gap between experimental tests conducted on quasi-brittle rocks and previous numerical and analytical analyses on elastoplastic rocks. This study aims to reduce the gap using finite element modeling with an elasto-plasticdamage model. The constitutive model is developed for quasi-brittle materials with material length scales, and it is implemented in the commercial finite element software ABAQUS as a user-defined material model. The implemented constitutive model is verified under uniaxial tension and compression. A finite element model is constructed for an idealized frictional contact problem, and it is validated against analytical solutions for both an elastic rock and a rigid-perfectly plastic rock. The contact stress is then analyzed using both an elastoplastic model and an elasto-plastic-damage model. The average contact stress in frictional contact is mainly governed by a dimensionless elastoplastic parameter for an elastoplastic rock. The nature of frictional contact on a quasi-brittle rock is governed by an additional brittleness number, which is defined as the ratio of a geometrical length scale to a material length scale. The average contact stress generally increases with the dimensionless elastoplastic parameter before reaching a limit value, and it generally decreases with the brittleness number. The numerical results of the average contact stress are generally consistent with typical experimental results conducted on quasi-brittle rocks despite limitations in the finite element modeling.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures: Second Edition: Volume 1
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Recommended Citation
Voyiadjis, G., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Frictional Contact Between a Blunt Tool and Quasi-brittle Rock with Damage: Numerical Modeling. Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures: Second Edition: Volume 1, 1, 853-891.