Computational Modeling of Tool-Rock Frictional Contact With Anisotropic Damage

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The mechanism of frictional contact is investigated between a blunt tool and quasi-brittle rocks with anisotropic damage. A recently developed anisotropic elasto-plastic-damage model is further validated using experimental results under monotonic and cyclic loadings for rocks and concrete. A finite element model of tool-rock frictional contact is validated by analytical results in the two asymptotic regimes of an elastoplastic rock. The mesh sensitivity is reduced using a fracture energy-based method for anisotropic damage. The tool-rock frictional contact is predominantly controlled by three dimensionless parameters: η, ξ, and ζ, which characterize elastoplasticity, brittleness, and anisotropic damage, respectively. The newly introduced damage coefficient ζ controls the ratio of damage in different directions. As the elastoplastic parameter η increases with more plastic deformation, the dimensionless average contact stress Π~ increases and then slightly varies before stabilizing. As the brittleness number ξ increases in a more brittle mode, the contact stress Π~ generally decreases. When the damage coefficient ζ decreases from isotropic to anisotropic damage, the contact stress Π~ generally increases. The magnitudes of the average contact stress in numerical modeling are closer to experimental results when considering anisotropic damage.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

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