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This study expands the Box-Hill discrimination function to design an optimal observation network to discriminate conceptual models and, in turn, identify a most favored model. The Box-Hill discrimination function measures the expected decrease in Shannon entropy (for model identification) before and after the optimal design for one additional observation. This study modifies the discrimination function to account for multiple future observations that are assumed spatiotemporally independent and Gaussian-distributed. Bayesian model averaging (BMA) is used to incorporate existing observation data and quantify future observation uncertainty arising from conceptual and parametric uncertainties in the discrimination function. In addition, the BMA method is adopted to predict future observation data in a statistical sense. The design goal is to find optimal locations and least data via maximizing the Box-Hill discrimination function value subject to a posterior model probability threshold. The optimal observation network design is illustrated using a groundwater study in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to collect additional groundwater heads from USGS wells. The sources of uncertainty creating multiple groundwater models are geological architecture, boundary condition, and fault permeability architecture. Impacts of considering homoscedastic and heteroscedastic future observation data and the sources of uncertainties on potential observation areas are analyzed. Results show that heteroscedasticity should be considered in the design procedure to account for various sources of future observation uncertainty. After the optimal design is obtained and the corresponding data are collected for model updating, total variances of head predictions can be significantly reduced by identifying a model with a superior posterior model probability.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Water Resources Research

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