In-plane flexural behavior of eccentric rectangular hollow section (ERHS) X-joints: Experimental, numerical and analytical study
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This paper investigates the in-plane flexural behavior of an eccentric rectangular hollow section (ERHS) X-joint, where the two braces are continuous at one side and the inner face is aligned with a chord sidewall. The presented X-joints are full lateral offset RHS joints. In this study, laboratory static testing is implemented on two ERHS X-joint specimens and one traditional RHS X-joint specimen under in-plane bending moment (IPBM), and the corresponding numerical simulation is conducted. The results show that the ultimate flexural strength and initial stiffness of the ERHS X-joints with a medium brace-to-chord width ratio (β) are larger than those of the RHS X-joints. The initial stiffness and strength of ERHS X-joints increase with the growth of β. Based on the load transferring mechanism, two analytical models and the relevant formulae are proposed to predict the strength of the ERHS X-joints with β ≤ 0.925 and β = 1.0, and the strength of joints with 0.925 <β < 1.0 can be determined by linear interpolation. The proposed analytical models are validated against experimental data and finite element results.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Journal of Building Engineering
Recommended Citation
Zhao, B., Sun, C., Lin, S., & Lin, T. (2024). In-plane flexural behavior of eccentric rectangular hollow section (ERHS) X-joints: Experimental, numerical and analytical study. Journal of Building Engineering, 96