Heavy metal concentrations along the Louisiana coastal zone
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Cores were taken from seven locations in southern Louisiana and analyzed for concentrations of heavy metals. Sedimentation rates for the locations were determined using the 137Cs dating technique. Correlations of metals with depth were calculated using absolute, aluminum normalized, and iron normalized concentrations. Correlations indicated recent increases at several sites (Lake Palourde, Manchac Pass, and Wax Lake Outlet) for several metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn) when profiles were normalized to aluminum. Metal profiles from rapidly-accreting areas (Atchafalaya and Four League Bay) did not show historical increases comparable to areas accreting less rapidly (e.g., Wax Lake Outlet, Manchac Pass, and Lake Palourde). © 1989.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Environment International
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Recommended Citation
Pardue, J., DeLaune, R., Smith, C., & Patrick, W. (1988). Heavy metal concentrations along the Louisiana coastal zone. Environment International, 14 (5), 403-406. https://doi.org/10.1016/0160-4120(88)90429-1