Enhancement of in situ microbial degradation of chlorinated organic waste at the petro processors superfund site
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The use of bioremediation for hazardous waste sites is a promising technology, particularly when the clean‐up is in situ and therefore, does not require removal of the waste material. This study was initiated to investigate the application of this technology to the Petro Processors, Inc. (PPI) Superfund site. Primary contaminants at the PPI site are chlorinated organics such as hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorobutadiene, among others. The objectives of the experiments conducted in this study were to determine if PPI target organics would degrade if proper environmental conditions are provided and secondly, to determine the nature of organisms present. A third component is design of a field pilot of the technology, both ex situ and in situ, to further define operating parameters and limits of the degradation system before full‐scale implementation. As work proceeds to the field, which is described along with the characteristics of the site and the field pilot, it appears that application of this technology will provide an effective site‐specific remediation process for certain sections of the PPI site, reducing the time required for overall remediation and promoting degradation of lower levels of contamination in an adjacent bayou‐swamp area. Copyright © 1995 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Environmental Progress
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Constant, W., Pardue, J., Delaune, R., Blanchard, K., & Breitenbeck, G. (1995). Enhancement of in situ microbial degradation of chlorinated organic waste at the petro processors superfund site. Environmental Progress, 14 (1), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.1002/ep.670140122