Effect of storage conditions on the oil quality of chinese tallow tree seeds

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Chinese Tallow Tree (CTT) has been widely considered as an invasive species that does not have potential benefits. Recent research has revealed that CTT has a very high yield of seeds containing large percentage of oil. The oil that is produced from the CTT has been found to contain high amounts of palmitic fatty acid, along with some oleic, linoleic and linolinic fatty acids. These acids can be base transesterified to form biodiesel. In general literature on CTT seed is scarce and the effect of storage conditions on the oil quality of the seeds in particular has not been published to our knowledge. This study aims to address the issue of oil quality of CTT seeds during different storage conditions. Different storage temperatures (0°C, 4°C, 10°C, room temperature), and controlled atmosphere storage conditions (3% C02, 6% C02, vacuum, normal headspace) were investigated for their effect on the oil quality of CTT seeds. The seeds were stored for a total period of three months with the oil quality being analyzed at regular intervals on a weekly basis. Extracted oil from the seeds was analyzed by titratable acidity and peroxide value methods to obtain information on the oil quality. Results of the study revealed optimum conditions for storage of CTT seeds to extract maximum benefit in terms of oil quality at a minimum cost.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008, ASABE 2008

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